Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
83 lines
unit command1; {Listing 5.1}
uses App, Editors, Views;
cmExitSave = 201 {'Save game configuration settings and exit program'};
{cmNoSave = 202} {'Exit program without saving settings'}
cmGameConfig = 203 {'View or modify game default settings'};
cmSaveOptions = 204 {'Program Options'};
cmGeneralSet = 205 {'General game wide options '};
cmMaxPlay = 206 {'Maximum number of players in the Game'};
cmDaysMessage = 207 {'Maximum number of days to hold player messages'};
cmSMoney = 208 {'Starting amount of money for each player'};
cmSEnforcer = 209 {'Number of enforcers that players can hire per day'};
cmSTreachery = 210 {'Number of treachery attempts per player per day'};
cmFamAtks = 211 {'Number of family attacks per player per day'};
cmSCorrupt = 212 {'Number of corruption attempts per player per day'};
cmSCrime = 213 {'Number of crime attempts per player per day'};
{cmThugOps = 214} {'Thug Options'}
cmThugReward = 215 {'Mafia Commission reward for each killed thug'};
cmThugOnMap = 216 {'Maximum number of thugs on the map'};
cmThugPerArea = 217 {'Maximum number of thugs per map square'};
cmThugSoldier = 218 {'Number of Thugs per player soldier on map'};
cmSAttributes = 219 {'Starting player character attributes and stats'};
cmSGuts = 220 {'Starting guts attribute'};
cmSInfluence = 221 {'Starting influence attribute'};
cmSDAInterest = 222 {'Starting DA Interest in player attribute'};
cmSLeadership = 223 {'Starting leadership attribute'};
cmSRespect = 224 {'Starting respect attribute'};
cmSFollowers = 225 {'Starting number of followers per player'};
cmSSoldiers = 226 {'Starting number of soldiers per player'};
cmSHire = 227 {'Cost for hiring each soldier'};
cmSBusiness = 228 {'Business Options'};
cmSBusBuys = 229 {'Maximum business buys per player per day'};
cmSBordellos = 230 {'Starting number of bordellos per player'};
cmSBetting = 231 {'Starting number of betting parlors per player'};
cmSBoot = 232 {'Starting number of bootlegging ops per player'};
cmSLabor = 233 {'Starting number of Labor Unions per player'};
cmSLegit = 234 {'Starting number of Legit Businesses per player'};
cmSClubs = 235 {'Starting number of night clubs per player'};
hcExitSave = 100 {'Save game configuration settings and exit program'};
hcNoSave = 101 {'Exit program without saving settings'};
hcGameConfig = 102 {'View or modify game default settings'};
hcSaveOptions = 103 {'Program Options'};
hcGeneralSet = 104 {'General game wide options '};
hcMaxPlay = 105 {'Maximum number of players in the Game'};
hcDaysMessage = 106 {'Maximum number of days to hold player messages'};
hcSMoney = 107 {'Starting amount of money for each player'};
hcSEnforcer = 108 {'Number of enforcers that players can hire per day'};
hcSTreachery = 109 {'Number of treachery attempts per player per day'};
hcFamAtks = 110 {'Number of family attacks per player per day'};
hcSCorrupt = 111 {'Number of corruption attempts per player per day'};
hcSCrime = 112 {'Number of crime attempts per player per day'};
hcThugOps = 113 {'Thug Options'};
hcThugReward = 114 {'Mafia Commission reward for each killed thug'};
hcThugOnMap = 115 {'Maximum number of thugs on the map'};
hcThugPerArea = 116 {'Maximum number of thugs per map square'};
hcThugSoldier = 117 {'Number of Thugs per player soldier on map'};
hcSAttributes = 118 {'Starting player character attributes and stats'};
hcSGuts = 119 {'Starting guts attribute'};
hcSInfluence = 120 {'Starting influence attribute'};
hcSDAInterest = 121 {'Starting DA Interest in player attribute'};
hcSLeadership = 122 {'Starting leadership attribute'};
hcSRespect = 123 {'Starting respect attribute'};
hcSFollowers = 124 {'Starting number of followers per player'};
hcSSoldiers = 125 {'Starting number of soldiers per player'};
hcSHire = 126 {'Cost for hiring each soldier'};
hcSBusiness = 127 {'Business Options'};
hcSBusBuys = 128 {'Maximum business buys per player per day'};
hcSBordellos = 129 {'Starting number of bordellos per player'};
hcSBetting = 130 {'Starting number of betting parlors per player'};
hcSBoot = 131 {'Starting number of bootlegging ops per player'};
hcSLabor = 132 {'Starting number of Labor Unions per player'};
hcSLegit = 133 {'Starting number of Legit Businesses per player'};
hcSClubs = 134 {'Starting number of night clubs per player'};